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Meg and Dave Podcast

Aug 27, 2019

Ep. 36 - Places at the table and the economy of honor. Do we live by human scarcity or by God's infinite love? Living out the words of Luke 14.

The Geek and Greek podcast is a show where two reverends talk honestly and clearly about faith, Christianity, scripture, and life. 

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Aug 20, 2019

Ep. 35 - Who gets to determine whether we're faithful? Jesus offers a radical possibility in Luke 13. Justin and Dave talk Biblical origins, fire pits, and the power of healing.

The Geek and Greek podcast is a show where two reverends talk honestly and clearly about faith, Christianity, scripture, and life. 

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Aug 13, 2019

Ep. 34 - Jesus comes not to bring peace to the earth, but set it ablaze. Dave and Justin tackle a tricky lesson from Luke 12. Why do bad divisions happen to otherwise good people?

The Geek and Greek podcast is a show where two reverends talk honestly and clearly about faith, Christianity, scripture, and life. 

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Aug 7, 2019

Ep. 33 - Listen as Dave and Justin deal with their own stress then get lifted up in real time as the words of Luke 12 pour forth between them. Plus... Ear Moths!

The Geek and Greek podcast is a show where two reverends talk honestly and clearly about faith, Christianity, scripture, and life. 

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Aug 2, 2019

Ep. 32 - Property. Identity. Do we own our possessions or do they own us? Justin and Dave delve into Jesus' unsettling words about abundance from Luke 12.

The Geek and Greek podcast is a show where two reverends talk honestly and clearly about faith, Christianity, scripture, and life. 

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